I just got my copy of Cable and Deadpool yesterday at Comic Quest. I've read through the issue just once because of my busy life -- I'm a Web Designer. I started buying comics when I was still in highschool but I never get to finish a series because I don't have the money to buy me the complete issue every month. Now that I've got a day job and I'm earning as much as you do, yeah the normal employed guy like you, I have been able to complete some new series this year. Let's get back to the Story. And yeah, so Deadpool found the New Avengers hideout and as usual, Deadpool is using his bigmouth again to try to beat down Cap's guys. Deadpool is very funny. So he thought he could take Cap's men down and tried to fight them but to his dismay he failed. The Avengers tied him up especially his big loud mouth. That was the funny part of it. Then cable freed him and they teleported to the White House. Cable tried to talk out the President but to no avail, the Pr...