Only Two Civil War tie-ins will be released tomorrow. Cable and Deadpool #31 along with Civil War:Young Avengers and RunAways #2 will be out tomorrow. The other Civil War tie-ins, Amazing Spider-Man #535 and Fantastic Four #540 is supposed to be released tomorrow along with Civil War #4 but was delayed. Read here. Over the next few weeks, the CIVIL WAR proper title and a few of the tie in books that are closely related to the story in the main book will be shipping later than originally planned. In an attempt to accommodate the creative team of Millar and McNiven and maintain the artistic integrity and high standards of the event, we will be shifting the following titles: CIVIL WAR 4 (JUN061952; $2.99) moves to 9/20 CIVIL WAR 4 TURNER VARIANT (JUN061953; $2.99) moves to 9/20 CIVIL WAR 4 TURNER SKETCH VARIANT (APR068201; $2.00) moves to 9/20 FANTASTIC FOUR 540 (JUN061961; $2.99) moves to 9/20 CIVIL WAR FRONT LINE 6 (JUN061955; $2.99) moves to 9/27 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 535 (JUN061938;...
Civil War is a 2006 seven-issue comic book miniseries, announced as Marvel Comics' major summer 2006 crossover event. Written by Mark Millar and penciled by Steve McNiven, the work builds upon themes and events established in previous Marvel comic book series, most recently Avengers Disassembled and House of M. Some story elements are also indicated in the miniseries Secret Wars. The tag line for the series is Whose Side Are You On?