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Showing posts from 2006

Spider-Man joins Captain America's Army

It is now confirmed on Amazing SpiderMan #537 that the web crawler has joined Cap's Army. He and his wife Mary Jane together with Aunt May are now with new identities and are hiding. What happened in ASM #536 really raged Iron Man. Spider-Man made an appearance on TV telling all the world that the registration act is wrong and that what he did on revealing his true identity was a wrong move. He was announcing his official membership on Cap's side. Now, Iron Man, do you still think there will be someone left for you?

Spider-Man almost died: Give Punisher your thanks

I was supposed to blog about Civil War #5 after I read it but I'm always too busy. Not now. It's Sunday and it's weekend. Just looking at the cover of Civil War #5 tells you the whole story of it. But let's get into details. And so Iron Man found out that Spider-Man was going against him. So they had a little fight. Iron Man tried to talk Spider-Man but I guess no one will believe Iron Man anymore. Spider-Man was questioning Iron Man why'd he put all the heroes who refuse to register in the negative zone. Spider-Man's point that putting these heroes who didn't violate any crime but only wears those tights for good intentions is very cruel. Spider-Man was against Iron Man's ideas and that, Iron Man didn't like it. Iron man said Spider-Man was a lunatic. Meanwhile, the Fantastic Four Siblings, The Human Torch and The Invisible Woman was being chased by S.H.I.E.L.D. units. They just realized that the registration act is wrong and they're on their wa...

Iron Man #13: what about Iron Man?

So I've just read Iron Man #13. This time the story circles on lots of stuff we should know about the controversial Marvel character. I just read the story once and just found out that Iron Man was also guilty of what Speedball is accused of right now. He was with the Secretary of Defense offering Tony Stark, yes, Iron Man's real identity, the role of being the leader for S.H.I.E.L.D. It was also mentioned on the story that a plane crashed and caused a lot of casualties and Iron Man was to blame. It only happened that a bigger tragedy occured and that was the Stamford explosion that's why people's attention were drawn away from the tragedy Iron Man caused. So the big question now is, why should Iron Man be offered the responsibility of being the leader of SH.I.E.L.D.? Shouldn't he be also involved in the training of superheroes? I don't know why I hate Iron Man but I never really liked him. Yeah this is fiction but you get to hate a fictional character too, righ...

Civil War #5 On The Comic Book Stores Today!

I've been waiting for a whole month for the next chapter of Civil War and now I'm finally gonna be able to have it. I have missed some tie-ins because I wasn't going to the comicbook stores. I'm too busy with work and i have to ride a bus and go through heavy traffic just to buy comics. I'm becoming lazy. I don't know why. Maybe it was because of the delays? Well, maybe. Well to be released with Civil War # 5 are the following tie-ins. So please be sure to have them all. Two Variant Covers for Civil War #5 is gonna be out today. Iron Man 13 will also be available. I'm really waiting for this one. Now we'll know why Iron Man does all those strange and crazy behaviour of treason. I can't wait to read this! New Avengers #25 will also be out today. See you in a few days. I'll be blogging about those new comics again.

"Hollow" ween for Civil War

Wednesday has passed once again and no Civil War tie-ins or titles are on the comic stands. Civil War isn't getting much exciting right now because of the delays. They should have stick to the 7 month plan, one Civil War chapter in one month, but I guess Marvel thought they could extent the special event since they found out how big Civil War has been. Well, I've got nothing to blog about but maybe I'll just relate to you my Halloween experience and somethings about Civil War Comics. Well last Halloween, me and my band played(Yes I am in a rock band) some cover songs from Silverstein and our own songs. We were like playing in front of 30 people but it's fun because it has been a while since I last had the guitar on my hands. I played the guitar like I never played before. Civil War #5 will be out in a few days and I'm gonna make it sure that I'll be the first one to have it here. So what have I learned on Civil War? Here's some of it. This isn't arranged...

Civil War # 5 coming out in a few weeks!

On november 11, 2006, Civil War # 5 will be out on the comic stores! I know every Marvel fan out there can't wait for this big issue. Civil War #5 will have a variant and a sketch variant cover available. We will see what will happen to our heroes after Goliath's death on Civil War #5. I know Goliath's death isn't really that big, since he doesn't have a really big role on the story. The writers could have had Iron Man dead instead. I don't hate Iron Man, I just hate his character and what he has been. He pretends to be thinking about other heroes lives but the truth is he is destroying it. It's Wednesday alright so what do we have for today? Civil War tie-ins are released on the stores today. Here are they are. CAPTAIN AMERICA 23 #23 The Story: CIVIL WAR Tie-In! The Civil War continues to rage through Cap’s life, tearing apart every life it touches! In Part 2 of the 3-part ‘DRUMS OF WAR’ arc, we find out how the Red Skull is taking advantage of the split in...

Civil War Redesign

It's been more than a week since my last post here. As always, I'm always busy with my day job and some personal matters. I haven't dropped by at any comic store lately but I'm planning to buy some comics one day within this week. I'm planning to have this site redesigned by the way. Well maybe I'm tired of the look of it. So drop by and wait for more updates. I hope redesign wouldn't take me a week or so. Thanks for the visits guys and keep on supporting Marvel Comics and Civil War.

Speedball got shot on Civil War:FrontLine #7

I just bought a copy of Civil War: Front Line #7 today. I was suppose to buy it last Wednesday but due to my busy schedule, I have to wait until today. Yeah I just got from the mall, there were lots of people because everything was on sale except for Front Line # 7, which was OK. I'd buy it even if it costs 200% higher. Well, anyway let's discuss what happened in the latest Front Line issue. Well, what you're about to read is some kind of spoiler but who wouldn't want a very good spoiler. Well, this blog is for those who don't have access to buy Marvel Comics. That's why I'm here to provide you with the latest news and updates about the latest Marvel event. Enough with the rambling. Well here we go. The cover of Frontline # 7 itself will tell you what happened right away. Speedball, a.k.a. Robert Baldwin, yeah the one they accuse for the Stamford tragedy ( but I don't blame him for it now that I've known the conspiracy behind all these tragic Marvel ...

No more Fantastic Four, Only Mr. Fantastic

I haven't posted for sometime here. I got so busy with many projects and late night PSP gamings. I just finished beating the Blade Dancer: Lineage of Light game and you know what? It has a very disappointing ending. But don't stop yourself from playing it. It's still worth it you know. So what's new in Civil War? Last wednesday I bought Fantastic Four #540 and read it before I went to sleep. Susan Storm and Reed Richards is having a fight about the registration act. Sue Storm is against the registration act while Mr. Fantastic is fully supporting it. It seems that Reed Richards has lost his sanity because he bases everything on numbers on science. He makes decisions scientifically and I think he lost the thing that makes him human -- emotions. He doesn't have the heart. So the two, Sue and Reed had a fight and sadly, Sue left Reed. Spider-man and Iron Man was on the comic book pages of FF #540 too. It's the same scene we can see on Amazing Spider-Man #535. Spid...

Spider-Man turns his back on Iron Man

At long last, Peter Parker realized his mistake. He should have turned his back on Iron Man long ago. He shouldn't have taken his mask off. He just found out that Stark Enterprises just got 2 Billion off the damage at Stamford. Iron Man --- a hero trying so hard to be a real HERO. I also realized that it wasn't Baldwin's fault. Still it was the people with no powers trying to ruin the lives of our superheroes. To hell with them.

It wasn't David who killed Goliath. It was Thor.

So it is true that Thor has killed one of Captain America 's allies. Yes Thor just murdered one of his former ally. Read on and light your candles. I just recently bought a while ago the most awaited Civil War #4 . I read through the first five pages and I found myself very sad about the events. Iron Man was beating Captain America down to the ground making his jaw almost fall off. Thor was throwing his Mighty Hammer at every anti-registration act super hero he sees. If you could just see Thor's eyes, it's full of rage ready to take down every one who opposes him. It's just too bad that Goliath died trying to stop Thor. Yeah, it was Goliath who died. Why would Thor kill his former team mate? I have the answer so again, read on. The pro-registration Super Heroes were shocked at what Thor did. Nobody was supposed to die. But Thor didn't know that. It's because that Thor isn't the original Thor . The Thor that killed Goliath was a clone of the original ...

Civil War #4 out today!

It's been about more than a month since the last release of Civil War and right now I'm so excited to grab a copy of its next issue. Civil War #4 will be out on the comic book shops today. I am so glad that I am finally going to find out what will happen to our heroes. There has been rumors that Thor has killed somebody and the only way to find out who is to buy the Civil War #4. Also, Civil War is back with a new trailer. Watch it now! This trailer is so damn sharp and good. Also don't forget to grab the other Civil War tie ins . CIVIL WAR: X-MEN #3 will be available on your local comic stores. You'll also find out what happened to Nitro on WOLVERINE #46. Please leave your comment guys after you've read Civil War #4. Let's talk about it.

No Civil War for This Week

Delays, delays, delays. I'm supposed to be reading Amazing Spiderman #535 right now. I can't wait to see what will happen to Mr. Parker. Will he join Captain America's side? What will happen to Mary Jane Watson and Aunt May? Now that all the hero's Villains are forming a group to finish off Spider-man through his family ties. The comic release delays are killing me. So much for the checklist.

The U.S. president just ordered Deadpool to bring Cable down, Dead or Alive

I just got my copy of Cable and Deadpool yesterday at Comic Quest. I've read through the issue just once because of my busy life -- I'm a Web Designer. I started buying comics when I was still in highschool but I never get to finish a series because I don't have the money to buy me the complete issue every month. Now that I've got a day job and I'm earning as much as you do, yeah the normal employed guy like you, I have been able to complete some new series this year. Let's get back to the Story. And yeah, so Deadpool found the New Avengers hideout and as usual, Deadpool is using his bigmouth again to try to beat down Cap's guys. Deadpool is very funny. So he thought he could take Cap's men down and tried to fight them but to his dismay he failed. The Avengers tied him up especially his big loud mouth. That was the funny part of it. Then cable freed him and they teleported to the White House. Cable tried to talk out the President but to no avail, the Pr...

Two Civil War Tie Ins to be released Tomorrow

Only Two Civil War tie-ins will be released tomorrow. Cable and Deadpool #31 along with Civil War:Young Avengers and RunAways #2 will be out tomorrow. The other Civil War tie-ins, Amazing Spider-Man #535 and Fantastic Four #540 is supposed to be released tomorrow along with Civil War #4 but was delayed. Read here. Over the next few weeks, the CIVIL WAR proper title and a few of the tie in books that are closely related to the story in the main book will be shipping later than originally planned. In an attempt to accommodate the creative team of Millar and McNiven and maintain the artistic integrity and high standards of the event, we will be shifting the following titles: CIVIL WAR 4 (JUN061952; $2.99) moves to 9/20 CIVIL WAR 4 TURNER VARIANT (JUN061953; $2.99) moves to 9/20 CIVIL WAR 4 TURNER SKETCH VARIANT (APR068201; $2.00) moves to 9/20 FANTASTIC FOUR 540 (JUN061961; $2.99) moves to 9/20 CIVIL WAR FRONT LINE 6 (JUN061955; $2.99) moves to 9/27 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 535 (JUN061938;...

Need Help? The heroes for hire are here!

I just came back from the comic book shop and I bought the new Civil War tie-in copies. I have with me right now, Heroes for hire #1 , Wolverine #45 and New Avengers #23 . I wonder what's Spider-Woman doing in the cover of new Avengers #23 . I haven't read it yet but I'm guessing that Spider-Woman has changed sides and has already and joined Captain America' s Side. Well what do ya' know? She has been giving information against the Registration Act side. Well, that's war. We can't avoid spies but Spider-Woman shouldn't have blown her cover that early. So who's next? I mean who will be the next hero to change side? I have a very good guess and I know you know him. He is somewhat similar to Spider-Woman and he has a new costume. Is it Barney? Krusty the Clown? or Michael Jackson? The answer is Spider-Man so you have to be ready next month (there has been delays again) to grab the next Amazing Spider-Man issue. For Wolverine #45 , it's obvious...

A New Sentinel

I've just bought awhile ago a copy of Civil War: X-Men #2. I haven't read it yet but check out the cover. It's a new sentinel! I'll have to read this first then rant about it later. I also bought Thunderbolts #105 and it's Zemo and Cap battling against each other. I've also got Sensational Spiderman#29 and I haven't browsed the pages yet but I'll be blogging each title in a while. Claws, a 3 part limited series is also an addition to my collections. It features Black Cat and Wolverine. See ya all later dude!

We're Getting Ready for the Civil War Tie Ins!

Three days from now, three titles will be released and be ready for our Civil War collection. Actually there's only two to collect but if you're really the obsessed collector type who wants every issue, you might as well grab the Wedding of the Century, Black Panther #18 ! And you sure wanna grab Thunderbolts Part 3 of 3! Here's the list for your reference: BLACK PANTHER TURNER VARIANT # 18 CIVIL WAR: X-MEN # 2 THUNDERBOLTS # 105 Bishop and the X-Men are on a collision course! Both are searching for the missing 198 and there can be only one victor. It’s X-Man against X-Man! Meanwhile, the O*N*E tightens its grip, but will their power slip away in the process?! I just know that Bishop and the rest of the X-men will part ways! The T-Bolts have taken down a slew of supervillains in order to amass a supervillain army -- but will they use this force to help the U.S. Government capture the RENEGADE HEROES... or to overthrow the U.S, Government? It all leads up to a nasty battle ...

Civil War Tie Ins: Civil War: Front Line #5 and Ms. Marvel #6 to be released today

Are you Civil War fanatics out there ready to grab the latest Civil War tie-ins? Two titles are gonna be released today so you better get your asses ready for these ones. The first tie in you should grab is Front Line #5 , where Bubblehead, er... I mean Speedball will go on trial. Will justice serve him well? Let's find out after we buy that issue. The Story: Embedded within the heart of the battle between super hero registrants and resistors you will learn the real story behind both sides of the Civil War ! In any conflict there are those who want to keep the facts hidden, but on the Front Lines the truth will be told. In “The Accused”: The New Warriors survivor goes on trial! Their life was spared from the Stamford Disaster . Will justice be so kind? Also featuring true tales of war in Civil War: Correspondence. The second tie-in will be about the training of super-heroes which will be led by no other than Carol Danvers or more popularly known as Ms. Marvel . Does the ...

The Thing makes his decision

The last time I checked, Fantastic Four #539 was supposed to be released last month, on the month of July. It was just recently released last August 02, along with Agents of Atlas, which I also bought along with Fantastic Four #539 . Agents of Atlas : In the late 1950’s, The U.S. Government let FBI Special Agent Jimmy Woo forge a team of unlikely heroes: Together they stormed the fortress of a criminal mastermind to rescue President Eisenhower, and the group disbanded soon after. Now almost 50 years later, an unauthorized S.H.I.E.L.D. mission goes down in flames--and from the ashes arise forces from the GOLDEN AGE OF MARVEL! Some of the things I will have to say here are spoilers so if you wanna keep the suspense alive in you, don't read this yet. What happened in Fantastic Four #539 happened simultaneously with Amazing Spider-Man #534 . So Iron Man's troops are about to transfer a group of hero captives to a temporary prison. Captain America, on the other hand, a...

Speedball is a real Bubblehead: Part 2

So what happened to Speedball ? This hard-headed-cause of all the disaster-hero is still as stubborn as a fungus residing in your toenails. Why can't he just apologize to the public about the Stamford disaster? Can't he just admit that he was responsible? If not for him, none of the Stamford tragedy would have happened. Almost 600 people died and he still sticks to his erratic principle. I mean, he tried to take down heroes above form his level of powers. That's stupidity and dumbness. So what happened in the prison? Mr. Bubblehead, yeah Speedball , went on a boxing match with the best fighter in Jail. I was amazed when I saw that he still has the skill for a boxing match. But the prisoners won't let him win so some inmate cut his leg with a knife. Just right for him. Right for a man with no conscience. Bubblehead's mom even visited him in prison to persuade him to apologize to the poor family and the people of America. Robert Baldwin , a.k.a. Speedball is the ...

Marvel Civil War Checklist for August

To all Marvel Civil War fans out there, aren't you excited to find out what happened to the battle between the two sides of the registration act in Civil War #3? I can't wait to grab my copy of the next Civil War issue which according to some of my sources, there will be a death and a funeral. I hope it's not Spider-Man. Will it be Captain America? The cover of Civil War #4 shows the broken shield of Captain America. Who knows? Let's just check it out. So if you are looking for the checklist for August and their release date, here they are: August 2, 2006 FANTASTIC FOUR # 539 August 9, 2006 CIVIL WAR: FRONT LINE # 5 MS. MARVEL # 6 August 16, 2006 BLACK PANTHER TURNER VARIANT # 18 CIVIL WAR: X-MEN # 2 THUNDERBOLTS # 105 August 23, 2006 HEROES FOR HIRE # 1 NEW AVENGERS # 23 WOLVERINE # 45 August 30, 2006 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN # 535 CABLE & DEADPOOL # 31 CABLE & DEADPOOL # 31 CIVIL WAR # 4 CIVIL WAR: FRONT LINE # 6 CIVIL WAR: YOUNG AVENGERS & RUNAWAYS # 2 FA...

The wedding in the middle of the war

There are some places you just don't mess with. Since the dawn of time, that African nation has been sending would-be conquerors home in body bags. While the rest of Africa got carved up like a Christmas turkey by the rest of the world, Wakanda's cultural evolution has gone unchecked for centuries, unfettered by the yoke of colonization. The result: a high-tech, resource-rich, ecologically-sound paradise that makes the rest of the world seem primitive by comparison. Ruling over all of this is the Black Panther . The Black Panther is more than just the embodiment of a warrior cult that's served as Wakanda's religious, political and military head since it's inception. The Black Panther is the embodiment of the ideals of a people. Anyone who'd dare to make a move on Wakanda must go through him. Now, the Panther is on the verge of fulfilling one of his duties as a king: taking a queen. He has announced his engagement to Storm of the X-Men -- a woman whom he share...

Spider-Man refuses to take Captain America's offer to join his side

Life couldn’t be more complicated -- or more dangerous -- for Peter Parker. Spider-Man has picked a side in the Civil War that’s tearing apart the super hero community, and the decision has ripped apart some of his strongest bonds. When one of the War's leaders comes to recruit Spidey for his troops, will Spidey stay true to that decision? What's the buzz about Spider-Man ? I've got a copy of Amazing Spider-Man #534 and I really don't like the cover at all. It's not about the art. It's just that I hate to see Captain America and Spidey engaging in battle against each other. I've just read the whole issue once. I know that Spider-Man is having some second thoughts on being on the side of the registration act. Our favorite hero is beginning to realize the negative effects the registration act is bringing in the Marvel universe. And again, I think Iron Man's some traitor. It's all he's doing this registration act becomes law. Who knows about Spi...

Nitro's punishment to be decided by a fight

At long last, I have grabbed one of the most important tie ins in the Civil War series. I'm supposed to buy it on it's release date but i guess I was a bit busy. Sorry for the delay my dear readers. Well, here's some news for you about Nitro. Stamford, Connecticut. A Clash between the NEW WARRIORS and a group of super-powered criminals culminates in a devastating explosion caused by Robert Hunter a/k/a NITRO . Over 600 men, women and children are confirmed dead. Stockton, California . A suburban couple and a mysterious surfer are tracking WOLVERINE , who is in turn tracking Nitro . Their agenda remains unknown. Washington, D.C. A mysterious benefactor has been providing aid and comfort to Nitro. To what end remains a mystery. Big Sur, California. Wolverine and a special S.H.I.E.L.D. unit locate Nitro and attempt to bring him to justice. The encounter ends with the death of the entire strike force. Somebody's not happy. So who's not happy? That still remains ...

Gear up and prepare for the Civil War tie-ins!

Approximately one day from now, the local comic bookstore will be again filled with comic geeks and enthusiasts who can't wait to have new issues of the Civil War tie-ins. To all the Civil War series lovers out there I'm giving you the list of what to check out for the quest for Civil War tie-ins tomorrow. Well, here they are: Civil War: Frontline #4 Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways #1 Amazing Spider-Man #534 Black Panther #18 Fantastic Four #539 New Avengers #22 Wolverine #44 Frontline #4 is the first tie-in that I will grab. Then I'll pick up Spider-Man #534. I'm excited to find out updates about Spidey. I'm sure gonna grab Wolverine #44 because of the amazing story and pencils by Humberto Ramos. Fantastic Four #539 shouldn't be missed also. Let's find out what happened to Susan Storm. Did she leave the hospital? New Avengers #22 will help you understand how Captain America found Hercules and Daredevil. I'm not sure about Black Panther though. ...

Does Iron Man have precognition?

I've read New Avengers: Illuminati over again and while reading the last pages, Iron Man was like talking about the near future exactly as how it is happening right now in Civil War. I was just wondering if Tony Stark, the man behind Iron Man has precognition powers? First of all what is precognition? Here's the decription according to wiki. Precognition is a form of extra-sensory perception . Believers in precognition say it allows a "percipient" to perceive information about future places or events before they happen (as opposed to merely predicting them based on deductive reasoning and current knowledge). A related term, presentiment is used to refer to information about future events which may not present itself in conscious form but rather in the form of emotions or feelings at the autonomic level. These terms are considered by some to be special cases of the more general term clairvoyance . On the other hand I was also thinking that Iron Man has built a Time...

Will the X-Men stay neutral on the Super Hero Registration Act?

After reading Civil War #3 and finding out that X-Men is still on the neutral, I wanted to know more details whether the X-Men will stick on being neutral on the registration act. For all ye comic lovers out there. I'm gonna share to you the introduction of Civil War: X-Men #1. The mutant population was growing and in some places, thriving. Then M-Day happened -- in one white flash, 90% of the world's mutant lost their powers. Now, mutants are at the lowest, with only one place to turn. The XAVIER INSTITUTE FOR HIGHER LEARNING has opened its gates to all mutants seeking sanctuary. But that sanctuary feels more like a prison... THE OFFICE OF NATIONAL EMERGENCY has arrived at the institute, bringing with them live manne Sentinels. They have come to protect the X-Men in their time of need. But the " 198 " (as the refugees now call themselves) and the O*N*E* are already finding it difficult to deal with one another. Tensions are high. Meanwhile, a disaster involving t...

Whose side is the X-Factor team on?

Someone commented on my previous post, My Battle for Civil War #3 , that X-Factor #9 isn't out until the 26th of July. Well I checked and the posted release date of X-Factor #9 was well in fact July 19, 2006. You can check out the teaser and some pictures on X-Factor #9 page at Marvel. Anyway, for those of you who don't have the copy yet, I'm gonna share to you what is written on the first page of the issue. Here it goes: In a society where mutants and former mutants alike feel threatened by the world around them, they turn to their first, best line of defense whenever trouble arises: X-Factor, The private detective agency founded by Madrox, the Multiple Man. Jamie Madrox and Strong Guy were astonished to learn that the DNA samples culled from both Damian Tyrp , Senior and Junior, the heads of Singularity Investigations were identical. Siryn was astonished to learn, after pumping Spider-Man for information, that various super heroes including the X-Men ...

Thor is back!

After battling for a copy of Civil War #3 , I went straight home and browsed thru the pages. I can't wait to read it. This is some kinda spoiler so if you wanna keep the suspense alive for yourself don't read this. So previously on Civil War #2 , Spider-Man did the unthinkable and revealed his true identity to the press. On the next Scene, Tony Stark (Iron Man) talked Emma Frost in joining forces with them to track out the hiding superheroes who doesn't want to register. Presently, the X-Men is still neutral and serves neither side. Susan , one of the Fantastic Four was missing. Civil War #3 also introduced the new secret identities of Captain America, Daredevil , Hercules and Falcon which among the four has the funniest name. It was handed to them by Nick Fury, whose whereabouts is still unknown until now. The New Avengers received a distressed call from Gefen Meyer Chemicals and immediately went to the place. Cap's team arrived at the place and found out th...

My Battle for Civil War #3

Immediately after work, I headed to the nearest Comic Book Store in town. It was 7:30 PM. I approached the seller and asked her if there were new issues arriving. She told me the new arrivals would be coming at 9 PM. Well I can't wait my hands on Civil War #3 and the other tie-ins so I paid in advance that way I won't miss any issue. So I waited. I waited for more. It was five minutes before 9PM. I waited. Then it came. It was like a strike of lightning to the ground. The delivery boxes were there. The whole shop was crowded. The people including me can't wait to get their hands on Civil War #3. It was like some rockstar was there and people were getting crazy. Finally the moment I was waiting for arrived. I have in the copies in my hand. I was holding Cable & DeadPool #30 , Civil War #3 , Civil War: X-Men #1 and X-Factor #9 . Daily Bugle Civil War Newspaper wasn't available. I guess it will arrive next week. I thought about grabbing the Civil War Turner Variant...

Are the Civil War tie-ins worth buying?

I just came from the comic book forums to check out the latest posts and threads and I found a something about the Civil War tie-ins . So are the tie-ins worth buying for? Maybe the main Civil War title contains the main story but what's happening behind and beyond is also important. For me, the tie-ins are essential to understand and answer all your questions regarding your favorite characters involved in Civil War. If for example you are a Spider-man fan, you would want to buy the Spider-man tie-in issue, entitled " War at Home ", because you want to know what's happening on Peter Parker's life now that he has revealed his secret identity. I confess, that I do collect all the Civil War tie-ins. It's worth it because I made a vow to myself that I'm gonna finish this issue. Everytime I miss an issue because the comic shop run out of copies, I feel disappointed. Just like when I missed Spectacular Spider-man #28 , but it's not an official tie in. I...

Civil War Banner Parade

So whose side are you on? I've been a visiting the Comic Book Resources forums lately and I've found a thread about Civil War banners. Originally there were two banners with the taglines, "I'm with Iron Man" and "I'm with Captain America". On this thread you'd find funny Civil War banners, comic readers are making fun of them and I'm planning on making one too later. Well just check out the thread here and join the fun.

Civil War #6 Variant Cover Issue by Michael Turner Revealed

Civil War #3 is just about to be released and yet another great Variant Cover is revealed. It's Namor! Fans may be gearing up for next week's #3, but come October, everyone will be wondering about Civil War #6 . Marvel has provided with your first look at the Michael Turner variant cover to the issue, an image that clearly suggest Sue Storm may have found some very strong anit-registration arms to take refuge in… The solicitation copy for the issue reads: CIVIL WAR #6 (of 7) Written by MARK MILLAR Pencils and Cover by STEVE MCNIVEN Variant & Sketch Variant Covers by MICHAEL TURNER Captain America's depleted forces have determined the secret of File 42, setting them on a last-ditch collision course with Iron Man and the Pro-Registration heroes! It's the beginning of the battle of the century-a conflict in which virtually every superhuman on ...

Speedball is a real bubblehead

I just got my hands on Civil War: Front Line #3 . I went to the local comic bookstore just a few hours ago after I got out from work to buy the new Civil War titles. They sell like hell man. When I got there, the seller told me that they've run out of copies of Front Line #3! So I just bought the other titles. I've got Thunderbolts #10 4, and a Variant cover issue of Civil War #2. I also bought Civil War #1 - Director's Cut -- It was the last copy! I was lucky! So what do I have to say? Well after reading Front Line #3 , I was really disappointed at Speedball . I think he's such a fucking idiot not to sign up and register his powers. She-Hulk was there to act as her lawyer. Robert Baldwin, Speedball's real name, is so blind he can not see that part of what happened there at Stamford was his fault. If he has thought of his friends' and the world's safety, he could have stopped right there and let the stronger powers handle Nitro and the other villains. ...

Civil War: Front Line #3

Front Line #3 along with 3 other titles are gonna be available at your local comic shop today. Civil War(Director's #1) is a CIVIL WAR #1 reprint containing plus script, sketches, deleted scenes and more! ThunderBolts #1 is about rogue marvels that gets to do their evil deeds on the loose! If you are a Spider-Man fan and want to catch the latest on the web crawler, grab Sensational Spider-Man #28, not officially a Civil War tie in but contains Spidey's life after his unmasking.

Civil War Checklist for July

I know many of you are looking for the Complete Civil War checklist , well if you have the Civil War: Opening Shot Sketchbook issue, you'll find it at the last page. Yeah it's complete alright but it doesn't tell you the release date. well, that's why I'm here to show you and lead you the way in buying your Civil War tie-ins. Here they are: July 12, 2006 Civil War (Director's #1) Civil War: Front Line #3 ThunderBolts #104 Sensational Spider-Man #28* July 19, 2006 Cable & DeadPool #30 Civil War #3 Civil War Turner Variant #3 Civil War: X-Men #1 Daily Bugle Civil War Newspaper She-Hulk #9* July 26, 2006 Amazing Spider-Man #534 Civil War FrontLine #4 Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways #1 Fantastic 4 #539 New Avengers #22 Wolverine #44 X-Factor #9 Thanks. And I hope this helps you all Civil War addicts out there!

Nitro Found!

I'm still looking for Wolverine #42. I can only find it on eBay right now. This one is a sell-out. I should have bought it when I had the chance. Darn it! I swear I won't miss the next issues. I bought Wolverine #43 last Friday and the other Civil War tie-ins. So Wolverine was hunting for Nitro. Who is Nitro? Nitro was the one responsible for the deaths of 600 people including 60 children. What can Nitro do? Well, just basing on his name, he can self-ignite and explode with the power of a huge bomb. Wolverine and S.H.I.E.L.D. found his hide-out in an old cabin. The S.H.I.E.L.D. soldiers including Wolverine were vaporized when Nitro self-ignited. Nitro was talking to some politician who I think is the mastermind of all the Civil War thing. Then Wolverine showed up. His healing factor is Amazing. I saw him vaporized then his whole body regenerated. Darn.

Spider-Man got the entire web all tangled up!

The entire internet crashed when 30 million simultaneous searches on " Peter Parker " were made on Google . The porn surfers cried. This happened when Spider-Man unmasked and revealed himself to the Press. Well, it really didn't happen actually in real life but it did happen in Amazing Spider-Man #533 . Grab your own copy now to find out the result of Spidey's revelation. I'm outta here to read Wolverine #43. I'll talk about it later. I'm adding more to this later.

Two More Days before Spider-Man #533

Amazing Spider-Man #533 will be finally out in two days!!! Here we get to find out the start of the webslingers life now that he has revealed his real identity to the press. Also to be released on your favorite local comic bookstore shops in two days are Civil War Front Line #2 , Fantastic Four #538 , New Avengers #21 , Wolverine #43 and X-Factor #8 . I'll be having my hands on them soon!

Civil War Titles for June

Here are the supporting titles for Marvel's Civil War series. I'm providing you with the list of releases this month so you won't miss one. Last month, I missed Wolverine #42 and She-Hulk #8 and I don't feel good about it. I should've bought them when I had the chance. Here they are in order of date of release... Civil War Front Line #1 - On Sale: 2006-06-07 Civil War #2 - On Sale: 2006-06-14 ThunderBolts #103 - On Sale : 2006-06-14 Civil War Front Line #2 - On Sale : 2006-06-28 Amazing Spider-Man #533 - On Sale : 2006-06-28 Fantastic Four #538 - On Sale : 2006-06-28 New Avengers #21 - On Sale : 2006-06-28 Wolverine #43 - On Sale : 2006-06-28 X-Factor #8 - On Sale : 2006-06-28 This time I won't miss an issue. Comic Quest, here I come.

Civil War #2 Reprinting New Cover!

The world was stunned when Spiderman revealed his secret identity to the press! The whole event can be read on Civil War # 2 . Or you can read Jim's insight on SpiderMan unmasking . Now Civil War #2 has been seen everywhere from TV to newspaper to radio, leading this issue to be the most successful comics in recent history. As a result, Civil War #2 has sold out and Marvel is rushing back to press with a new cover. The new cover of Civil War #2 will be out on sale on July 12, 2006. The seven-issue "Civil War" series, launched in May, sees Marvel's writers taking on the topical issue of civil liberties. Now, " Whose side are you on? "

The Complete Civil War Checklist

ROAD TO CIVIL WAR Amazing Spider-Man #529-531 Civil War: Opening Shot Sketchbook Fantastic Four #536-537 New Avengers Illuminati CIVIL WAR Civil War #1-7 Civil War: Front Line #1-10 Amazing Spider-Man #532-537 Black Panther #18 Cable/Deadpool #32 Captain America #22-24 Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways #1-4 Civil War: X-men #1-4 Daily Bugle: Civil War Edition Fantastic Four #538-543 Heroes for Hire #1-3 Iron Man #13-14 Marvel Spotlight: Millar/Mc Niven Ms. Marvel #6-8 New Avengers #21-25 Punisher War Journal #1-3 She Hulk #8 Thunder Bolts #103-105 Wolverine #42-47 X-Factor #8-9